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Teddy is approximately 20 months old and looking for his 4th home. He originally came into rescue at a year old and was adopted into a family. Within a couple off weeks he was returned and went into foster. Tjis sadly did not work out and in October last year he was moved to our kennels.

When originally assessed we were told that he had food aggression, manifested arounfd his own food bowl, no issues when the family were eating. Also that he would resource guard.

This certainly manid=fested itself on arrivcal at the kennels. We employed a trainer to work with Teddy and assess him.

Over the last 4 months our kennels have worked really hard with the young man. Originally the kennels could get Teddy out of the kennel but when putting him back Teddy would not let them leave. We have done a lot of impulse control exercises, and he can now be taken out and put back in without issue. He is scatter fed and works for his food. There are no bowls and this would need to remain even when homed. At present we are working on his recall.

He is said to be ok with other dogs but that hasn't been assessed on the last 4 months. 

Teddy is a nervous dog who will resource guard you if you let him as he doesn't want to be on his own. He needs a calm confident EXPERIENCED handler. He also needs slow introduction to the home. Not a dog that you can let off lead and give him the run of the house. 

He WILL make a wonderful companion with some work

Older children or no children

A single owner or a coupe who are both confident handlers.

More information
Gender:   Male
Age: 20 MONTHS
Color: Black & Tan
Coat: Long
Neutered: No
Good with other dogs: Dont Know
Good with cats: No
Good with children: Older children only
Please help support the rescue
Please help us by making a donation so that we can help re home more unwanted German Shepherd Dogs. Donations can be sent to Jayne Shenstone, German Shepherd Rescue, Little Vauld, Marden Hereford HR1 3HA. Thank you.