German Shepherd Rescue Questions
German Shepherd Rescue FAQ's

Because he knows that GSDR will always go that extra mile to help a GSD in need.
About the Rescue
Who runs the rescue?
The rescue was started by Jayne Shenstone who has many years of experience with GSD's and German Shepherd rescue. Jayne started the rescue when she lived in Scotland and it was originally called German Shepherd Rescue UK. After moving back to England we had to dissolve GSRUK to set up a new organisation registered in England - hence the name change to German Shepherd Dog Rescue or GSDR. The rescue is a voluntary organisation and relies totally on German Shepherd lovers who are prepared to give up some time to help with rescue and rehoming.
How is the rescue funded?
GS Rescue is funded entirely by donations from the general public and the people who adopt dogs from us are asked to make a donation in order that we can continue with our work.
Why is the rescue a limited company?
The rescue was set up as a limited company (limited by guarantees) on the advice of professionals. To name but a few, the following organisations are also limited companies - RSPCA, SSPCA, RSPB, NSPCC. We are also now a charity.
When did you become a charity?
We decided to apply for charitable status early in 2011 as we believe this will help us raise far more funding in order that we can help the ever-increasing numbers of rescue dogs coming into our care.
Is anyone paid a salary or expenses?
Nobody is paid a salary but a small amount of our limited funds are occasionally used to meet excessive out of pocket expenses such as high mileage. We do try to cut down on calls to mobile phones to minimise costs for all of us. Most of the volunteers will not accept expenses and operate on an out of pocket basis.
The RSPCA and SSPCA pay all their staff with chief executives earning over 100K per annum in the case of the RSPCA and many of their employees have executive company cars, index-linked pensions, expenses etc.
How are donations used?
Most of our limited and precious funds are spent on veterinary treatment and kennel costs. We do not have our own kennels so have to rely on commercial boarding kennels although we always try to negotiate special rates as with vet treatment. Anything else we try and beg, borrow or steal!! This rescue like many other small rescues really is run on a shoestring.
Do you have any accounts?
By law, any limited company and charity must produce accounts and these have to be lodged with Companies House and Charities Commission, where copies can be obtained by any member of the public. Our accounts are produced by a qualified independent chartered accountant.
Why don't you spay/neuter all dogs?
Some dogs will already be spayed or neutered when they come to rescue.
Dogs that are rehomed straight from their previous home may not be done so we have spay/neuter contracts in place and a proof is required by way of a veterinary practice receipt. A volunteer follows up the spay/neuter contracts.
Puppies and dogs under the age of 1 are generally too young to be spayed or neutered as this will lead to health problems in the future. In these cases, we would also have a spay/neuter contract in place which is followed up by a volunteer.
Dogs in kennels we will spay and neuter where we can depending on the kennel owner.
Dogs in foster will be spayed or neutered.
Older dogs, we would generally not want to spay or neuter simply because the risk for the older dog would outweigh the advantages. Responsible adopters are chosen very carefully and sign a contract agreeing never to allow the dog to be used for breeding.
We are constantly trying to find vets that will offer cheap spay/neuter but we are not having much luck. Since the introduction of pet insurance, vet fees have escalated dramatically for all procedures. Spaying seems to be costing £150+ and neutering £100+. If we spay/neuter every dog, we would be spending more than the cost of the adoption fees, therefore, the rescue could not survive. Most of our precious funds are spent on commercial kennel boarding fees for urgent dogs to keep them safe and veterinary fees.
In England, the Dogs Trust will help rescues sometimes with vouchers. All people adopting dogs from the rescue are required to sign a legally binding document which requires that they spay/neuter their dog and they are not allowed to use the dog for breeding purposes.
What about vet treatment?
Dogs that come through the rescue are given appropriate veterinary treatment regardless of costs . In some cases, we do pay for ongoing treatments. We have rehomed a few dogs that have EPI and require expensive medication for life. We limit the number that we take on but will help as many as funds will allow.
Do you microchip?
All dogs have to be microchipped by law.
Please help us by making a donation so that we can help re home more unwanted German Shepherd Dogs. Donations can be sent to Jayne Shenstone, German Shepherd Rescue, Little Vauld, Marden Hereford HR1 3HA. We also accept Paypal payments - just click on the Paypal button below. Thank you.