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Mowgli - NW

Mowgli - NW

Mowgli is not a GSDR dog but we have been asked to help find him a suitable home.

Mowgli was recently rescued by someone in the UK and is thought to be a Carpathian / Caucasian shepherd cross who is 2 and is neutered.

Mowgli was brutally caught by the dog-catchers in Valcea in Romanian and put into the PS there. Then he was attacked pretty badly by a group of dogs. Someone here in the UK asked one of the Volunteers there to get him out and she would pay to bring him to the UK.

The day after they took him out of the PS, they found out he had distemper. So, his rescuer paid for all his treatment and waited for him to recover. Shortly after he had recovered, the rescue in Romania thought it was best he didn't come, as he was showing signs of being very nervous.

The girls there could not touch him...he just ran off. This was a few months ago, then recently, the Romanian rescue messaged to say that the situation was really bad there, more dogs coming in each week and making Mowgli more nervous and could she please take him. She was very reluctant but her heart strings got pulled and she said yes. She did make sure there were no signs of aggression and they said no.

Mowgli was pretty scared throughout his journey here and when he arrived at his rescuers house, they had a huge task getting him out the car. He did nip at her but that wasn't intentional, there wasn't a mark or anything, so she wasn't too concerned about that. He has only been there since Saturday and has done really well. He has taken to her really well and is getting used to her 2 other dogs. She thinks he will adapt to most dogs in time, though he doesn't like to be mothered too much by them. Obviously no to young children because of his nervousness. He has seen her 2 Cats, wasn't really phased by them.

Carpathians and Caucasian shepherds are working dogs and were bred to guard and herd large flocks of sheep in mountainous areas. The Caucasian does have a reputation of being a ferocious guard dog although Mowgli has not demonstrated those traits.

These beautiful dogs may be tempting to many but please be aware that generally, they are not regarded as good pets for your average family home. They are large, heavy dogs that need a job to do otherwise they become bored. They also need a huge amount of exercise, have immense stamina and will think nothing of a 10 mile jog. Neither the Carpathian or Caucasians will make good fluff ball, couch potatoes.

An ideal home is somewhere either rural or with a very active family. These dogs need space and lots of exercise.

Before applying to adopt Mowgli, please take the time to research both breeds as his next home must be his forever home.

Upon arrival - Mowgli is scared and hides in the corner of the room

Mowgli is scared and hides in the corner of the room

Mowgli has received appalling treatment at the hands of humans in his short life

Mowgli has received appalling treatment at the hands of humans in his short life

Mowgli meeting German Shepherd friends

Mowgli meeting German Shepherd friends

Mowgli - beautiful but not the right dog for an average home

mowgli carpathian cross caucasian shepherd

More information
Gender:   Male
Age: 2
Color: Other
Coat: Semi
Neutered: Yes
Good with other dogs: Yes
Good with cats: Yes
Good with children: Older children only
Please help support the rescue
Please help us by making a donation so that we can help re home more unwanted German Shepherd Dogs. Donations can be sent to Jayne Shenstone, German Shepherd Rescue, Little Vauld, Marden Hereford HR1 3HA. Thank you.