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Luther - north Yorks


Luther is settling down to be a very loving and affectionatedog. He is desperate to please, with huge potential. 

And everyone says how handsome he is!

With consistent boundaries and plenty of fun activities to work his brain he will make a wonderful family pet.

He’s fully housetrained now, and can be left for a few hours without issue so long as he’s had some activity beforehand. He’s too young to be left all day though.

He has shown no signs of aggression whilst with us. He is not possessive, and is very chilled out around his food bowl. He’s given the occasional bark, but is generally quiet, even to knocks on the door. He welcomes people into the house, although can still be a bit jumpy with excitement. He’s met children whilst out on his walks, and happily lets them stroke him.

He’s currently living peacefully with a neutered male dog, and he’ll play happily with any dog he meets. No cats though.

He walks nicely on a loose lead, but can show a bit of interest if he sees another dog. This has improved hugely with socialisation classes, which his new owner would want to continue. He’s not fazed by traffic or loud noises.

Luther’s new owner needs to recognise the fantastic potential of this dog – he learns very quickly, and needs to use his brain. He has been doing some ‘junior agility’, and has the potential to be really good.

Luther has learnt to play, and loves his tug or just throwing a ball round the garden.

He is looking for someone who can continue his training and socialisation, and give him lots of exercise and activities. 

The rewards will be immense, and they will have a very loving, responsive and fun family dog.

Luther is very loving, very affectionate, and is desperate to please. He’s an amazing dog, with huge potential. 

And everyone says how handsome he is!

But he hasn’t had the best start in life, and he’s finding everything a bit confusing.

He’s still very puppy-like, but in a big strong body and will need someone who can handle his strength. He’s had no boundaries, and thought he could do whatever he wanted. His new owner needs to put in place consistent boundaries,balanced alongside lots of fun activities for him.

He hasn’t been housetrained, and whilst this is now much better, there are still the occasional accidents. He can be left in the house, but he wouldn’t like being left alone all day. He’s still at the ‘chewing stage’, and will find his own mischief if left to his own devices for too long. 

He has shown no signs of aggression whilst with us. He is not possessive, and is very chilled out around his food bowl. He’s given the occasional bark, but is generally quiet, even to knocks on the door. He welcomes people into the house, and although can still be a bit jumpy with excitement, he’s learning that keeping four paws on the floor gets him the love that he wants. He’s met children whilst out on his walks, and happily lets them stroke him.

He will chase cats, to the point of obsession. Cats are an absolute ‘no’, however savvy the cat might be.

He’s currently living peacefully with a neutered male dog, and he’ll play happily with any dog he meets. However, he can get silly on lead when he first sees a dog, pulling strongly with noisy excitement. This has reduced with some initial training and socialisation, but still needs a lot of work. The new owner will want to go to training and socialisation classes to keep this up.

He can jump when he wants to – Luther needs a 6 foot fence to keep him secure.

Luther’s new owner needs to recognise the fantastic potential of this dog – he learns very quickly, and needs to use his brain.

He’s very quickly picked up how to walk alongside me on a loose lead, and isn’t phased by busy traffic or loud noises. He didn’t know how to play, but has now started to engage with a tug. Once he starts really enjoying this, training will become so much easier.

I’ve maybe painted a bleak picture of Luther in places, which is unfair. If the new owner can continue his training and socialisation, and give him lots of exercise and activities, the rewards will be immense. 

They will have a very loving, very responsive and fun family dog.

More information
Gender:   Male
Age: 1
Color: Black & Tan
Coat: Short
Neutered: No
Good with other dogs: Yes
Good with cats: No
Good with children: Older children only
Please help support the rescue
Please help us by making a donation so that we can help re home more unwanted German Shepherd Dogs. Donations can be sent to Jayne Shenstone, German Shepherd Rescue, Little Vauld, Marden Hereford HR1 3HA. Thank you.