German Shepherd Training 2
Training Your German Shepherd Dog
OK - overdone it a bit?
The GSD is a working breed that needs loads of exercise to stay fit and healthy - just like we do. A bored, fat, lazy GSD will not be a happy dog.
So get off your bum, get your trainers on and go for it - it will be good for both of you. You could even help us out by raising some money with your efforts.
Who knows what you might achieve. Yes this is Jayne from the rescue who ran her first marathon at the age of - well very old!!
Couldn't get a place for the London this year but will be trying for Edinburgh and will be raising funds for the rescue again. My boys will be training with me again.
Not bad for someone who has never been a runner and getting on a bit in years!!!
Lots more information on training your GSD coming soon.