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Darla - West Yorkshire

Darla is a gorgeous girl aged about 3yrs old speyed and is now chipped and vaccinated. She is currently living with three huskies and an old crossbreed. She is a medium haired girl and is getting used to being brushed. She will tolerate it for quite a while now but she still has some knots on her undercarriage to work through! She goes all crimpy when wet – so cute. She is a small girl with lots of bounce and energy. Walking Darla off lead is a dream, her recall is great and she will chase a ball until the cows come home. She isn’t bothered about other dogs and will maybe look in their direction at the most. She has never been aggressive to any dog we have met whilst out walking. At mealtimes, she becomes very vocal and patrols the kitchen and countertops, although this is being worked on and she is improving, she sits and waits to be told to eat like the others. There is no food aggression (we feed all 5 together). She is currently raw fed and enjoys that. In her previous home she was fed MVM. Darla is a very excitable girl and as soon as the lead comes out she becomes a whirling dervish of excitement. She yips and yaps and bounces around and really does get herself excited! So much so that she sometimes bites her own tongue in all the excitement! This continues into the initial walk period, and although we have been able to stop the constant jumping up at people, Darla does still need more work on her manners when on a lead. Once she has chased a ball for a bit the walk home is a little better. Darla loves cars!! So much so that she will jump into any car that is around! Once in the car she will continue with her very excited behaviour until the destination is reached. Can make for noisy car journeys! In the house Darla displays some evidence of separation anxiety. She will follow you around the house wherever you go. Our dogs are not allowed upstairs but Darla can – and does – jump the baby gates. This has mainly stopped and it is only in a morning that she will jump the gate to great us when we open the kitchen door. On an evening she will settle well and is a total cuddle monster. Darla is fully house trained and will come and let you know when she needs to go out, or pace back and forth from the door. We have only had Darla for a short time and she has come on in leaps and bounds. Sadly she doesn’t get on with one of our dogs and I believe that Darla would be better as the only dog in the house, and a household that has the time to continue working on her lead manners and over excitement at walk times. She doesn’t like to share our attention, and with four other dogs to cuddle it is difficult to manage her expectations. I would also say that any children need to be older as she would easily knock over young children when she is excited. Darla is not crate trained as far as I am aware and isn’t crated with us. She sleeps quite happily in the kitchen with all our other dogs. There has not been any destruction of anything whilst we have been out of the house, but I am not sure how she would cope if left totally alone. She loves balls, footballs and adores a Kong whether filled with treats or not. She will also happily shred the balls !! She is a gorgeous, loving ball of energy and fur and if she got along with all our dogs we would keep her. We are very sad to have to offer her up for adoption but we are not the right home for her.

More information
Gender:   Female
Age: 3
Color: Black & Tan
Coat: Semi
Neutered: Yes
Good with other dogs: Yes
Good with cats: Dont Know
Good with children: Yes
Please help support the rescue
Please help us by making a donation so that we can help re home more unwanted German Shepherd Dogs. Donations can be sent to Jayne Shenstone, German Shepherd Rescue, Little Vauld, Marden Hereford HR1 3HA. Thank you.