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Tye & Blade - Lancashire

Tye & Blade - Lancashire
These stunning 4 year old boys were taken from their original home and are now in foster care where they have now been castrated and on a bit of a diet (they both weigh in at over 50 kilos). They are settling down well but it is obvious that they havent been walked for a long while and are very excitable and strong when being taken for a walk on the lead, however off lead they are excellent and dont stray away too far. These brothers have never been apart so as long as they are together all is well separating them causes a lot of OMG where've you gone? No living near the beach the boys are off lead and have the opportunity to run free. Neither dog knows many commands and current foster carer is teaching them basics every day and Blade is definitely the more focussed on getting a treat for his efforts, Tye is a little less interested he will just follow what Blade does! In the car they travel well but it is Tye that is the most anxious and will whine. They have never eaten dog treats more used to human biscuits but are getting used to Liver Cake! The fosterer is doing an amazing job with these boys and every day she sees an improvement. If you would like to adopt these gorgeous lads then please get in touch.
More information
Gender:   Male
Age: 4 years
Color: Other
Coat: Short
Neutered: Yes
Good with other dogs: Yes
Good with cats: Yes
Good with children: Older children only
Please help support the rescue
Please help us by making a donation so that we can help re home more unwanted German Shepherd Dogs. Donations can be sent to Jayne Shenstone, German Shepherd Rescue, Little Vauld, Marden Hereford HR1 3HA. Thank you.